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Terms & Conditions

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團費所包括: 機票:來回經濟客位機票。酒店:行程表上所列或同級酒店,以兩位成人共用1房為標準。可代安排夾和其他單人組合夾房,但如最終不成功。顧客必須繳交單人房附加費,不得藉詞退出。 交通工具:採用專車及行程表內所列之各種交通工具。膳食:行程表內所列之膳食。遊覽節目:行程表內所列各項遊覽項目及入場費用。 行李:飛機每乘客上限爲20公斤,民航客機寄艙行李數量及重量需視乎航空公司而定,詳情請預早查詢。


團費不包括:旅遊證件、各國入境簽證及辦證費用。 導遊、領隊、酒店服務員、司機等服務費及本社之行政費用。各國機場稅、行李超重費用、海關課稅、燃油附加費及航空保險稅或其他代航空公司或政府收取之手續費。個人旅遊綜合保險。(除特別註明外)。行程以外觀光節目、自費活動項目、特定門票及一切私人性質消費。延期逗留者酒店至機場之接送、停留附加費、單人房附加費及提升機位等級或其他因延期逗留而產生之費用。因私人問題、罷工、颱風或突發情況而非本公司所能控制而引致之額外費用。

Registering Tour Group

Customers must provide the correct name on the travel document and clearly check the information shown on the receipt. In case of errors or omissions, the airline has the right to refuse boarding or the customer shall bear the cost of changing or repurchasing the ticket, Maywood Travel is not responsible. The company does not accept payment by credit card for any discounted air tickets and discounted group tours. The price of fuel surcharge is subject to the final announcement of the airline. All charges must be paid in full before departure. The company reserves the right to adjust the charges before departure. Applicants under the age of 16 must travel with their parents or guardians; those over 16 but under 18 who are not traveling with their parents or guardians must be signed by the parents or guardians and have a copy of the document. Appropriate travel comprehensive insurance. The company reserves the final right to accept or reject the application.

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