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Privacy Ordinance Statement



美和旅遊尊重任何客戶的私隱及個人資料,承諾根據香港特別行政區法例第 486 章《個人資料私隱條例》的個人資料私隱保護政策,處理有關收集、使用、保存、披露、轉移、保密及查閱個人資料的方法及準則,以保障閣下提供給我們的個人資料。客戶在任何交易、成為美和旅遊有限公司客戶或參加任何推廣活動中向本公司提供的個人資料,包括(但不限於)客戶姓名、性別、出生日期、電話號碼、傳真號碼、住址、電郵地址等,或由本公司收集、持有的、可能持有的個人資料均有機會被本公司使用、保留、查閱、披露予相關聯營機構及合作伙伴作為處理和本交易相關之售後服務,以及用作提供酒店及旅遊、保險、銀行、金融財務、媒體、娛樂消閒、餐飲、服裝、保健美容及社交網絡服務等相關產品及/或服務之推廣及優惠資訊、市場研究、數據核對、服務提升等用途。本公司必須得到當事人同意方可使用其個人資料作直銷活動,包括(但不限於)以電話、電郵、電子訊息(手機短訊、多媒體訊息、手機程式短訊等)、傳真、郵件等方式進行上述活動。資料當事人及其授權人有權查閱、更正或刪除任何本公司所持該等人仕之個人資料,請以電郵至 辦理。

Privacy Ordinance Statement

The terms of the Maywood Travel Privacy Policy are incorporated into these Terms and Conditions. You agree to the use of personal information by Maywood Travel and its affiliates or third party suppliers in accordance with the terms of and for the purposes set forth in the Maywood Travel Privacy Policy. For all personal information, including (but not limited to) customers’ name, gender, date of birth, telephone number, fax number, address, email, etc. that customers provided to our company during transactions, applying for our membership, or participating our promotional campaigns; or information collected, held, or probably held by our company, will have chance to be utilized, stored, or checked for market researching, data cross-checking, service enhancing, blasting marketing information about travel products/ membership/ promotional campaigns/ travel offers on hotel & travel, insurance, banking, finance, media, entertainment, catering, fashion, health care & beauty, social media, etc. by our company via telephones, emails, e-messages(SMS, MMS, Apps messages, etc.), fax, mail, etc.; or disclosed to our partners for after-sales services. Our company has the obligation to notify customers that our company has the intention to use the above data for the above stated actions under the new regulatory regime, and seeks for customers’ approval before our company undertakes any above actions. If customers decide not to receive any information from us or to check, amend or delete any personal information held by us, please send email to , for central and effective handling.

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